Strengthening REPOA in partnership with the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, Rotterdam (ISS) is pleased to launch a research and capacity building programme titled Strengthening Capacity of Exporters to Sustainably Enhance Export Competitiveness and Diversification.


This programme aims at strengthening the capacity of policymakers, exporters, and trade associations to assess and review trade and related economic policies to promote trade competitiveness and diversification for widening trading opportunities within Tanzania, EAC including with the EU. The initiative will enhance the formulation and implementation of suitable trade policies, including strategies for strategic measures to harness the opportunities arising from the effective implementation of regional and international trade agreements. With good progress made to develop infrastructure such as roads, harbours, and energy, real constraints on trade expansion and diversification remain at institutional and regulatory side. Notable challenges include weak understanding and knowledge about these constraints and their economic impact. Further, there is a need for improved evidence-informed understanding of the design and appropriateness of measures to effectively address these constraints. This programme seeks to improve the situation of the targeted groups, including trade promotion and facilitation agencies, policymakers, exporters of various commodities. The programme complements other ongoing public and private interventions addressing Tanzania’s industrialization and trade competitiveness, both of which are key policy drives for Tanzania as outlined in the Second Five Year Development Plan and the long-term perspective plan 2011/12 – 2025/26.
The programme will contribute to existing efforts in three principal ways:
Knowledge generation activities Covering research studies, trade policy reviews on priority themes and/or sectors, which include five selected value chains in agriculture (horticulture, rice, and Seaweed for Zanzibar), manufacturing (leather), and services (logistics sector). Capacity building activities Activities will include, training needs and institutional assessments of the target groups (particularly trade support institutions mainly the ministry of trade and industry and other Sector Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Standard Agencies, TRA, TPA, TANTRADE, EPZA), short term tailor-made training, learning by doing through engagement in policy reviews, and promotion of international best/good practice Value Chain Development activities through Technical Assistance in the five sub-sectors of Horticulture, Rice, Leather, Seaweed (for Zanzibar) and Logistics. Activities include including review of the institutional arrangements for trade promotion and facilitation, including the roles of and effectiveness of various Trade Support Institutions (ISIs), notably the ministry of industry and trade, Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE), Standards organization, the ministry of Foreign affairs’ trade attachés, and the Private sector.