=== Post Slider and Post Carousel with Post Vertical Scrolling Widget - A Responsive Post Slider === Contributors: infornweb, pluginandplay Tags: post slider, post carousel, blog, recent posts, vertical post scrolling Requires at least: 4.7 Requires PHP: 5.4 Tested up to: 6.5.2 Stable tag: 3.2.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Posts Slider or Post Carousel display WordPress posts in slider and carousel layouts with shortcode and Latest/Recent vertical post scrolling widget. == Description == Display Posts Slider or Post Carousel on your WordPress website. Post Slider and Post Carousel having 2 shortcodes with 2 designs for each shortcode and one vertical post scrolling widget. View [FREE DEMO](https://demo.infornweb.com/post-slider-and-carousel/) for more details. Checkout [Premium Version Demo](https://premium.infornweb.com/post-slider-and-carousel-pro/) | [Buy Premium Version](https://premium.infornweb.com/post-slider-and-carousel-pro/) for more designs and options. > Premium Version supports custom post type, custom taxonomy, custom tags, featured post, trending post, grid box slider, partially visible slider, Lazy load as well as many cool features. > You can get [Post Slider and Carousel Premium here](https://premium.infornweb.com/post-slider-and-carousel-pro/)! = ✅ Post Slider and Post Carousel is perfect for: = * Post Slider * Post Carousel * Latest/Recent Vertical Scrolling Post Slider and Post Carousel allows you to display your blog posts in a very beautiful slider or carousel that will be appealing to your reader. Post Slider and Post Carousel plugin not only displays your blog posts in a slider or carousel but also in a responsive way. So, your posts will be displayed perfectly on different devices such as Desktop, Tablet and Mobile etc. This Posts Slider also has 100% touch and swipe support. **This Post Slider and Post Carousel contains 2 shortcodes** * [psac_post_slider] : Display Post post in Slider view. * [psac_post_carousel] : Display Post post in Carousel view. **Common Shortcode Parameters for both shortcodes** * **Limit:** limit="10" (i.e Display 5 posts in a slider or carousel. To show all posts use limit="-1") * **Display by Category** category="category_ID" OR category="category_slug" (i.e. Display blog posts by their category ID OR Slug) * **Design:** design="design-1" (Select design for post design. There are 2 designs "design-1" and "design-2") * **Show Post Author:** show_author="false" (Show post author or not. values are "true" or "false") * **Show Post Category:** show_category="false" (Show post category or not. values are "true" or "false") * **Show Post Date:** show_date="false" (Show post date or not. values are "true" or "false") * **Show Blog Content:** show_content="false" (Show post content or not. values are "true" or "false") * **Content Words Limit:** content_words_limit="40" (Set content words limit for post.) * **Media Size:** media_size="large" (Set media size for post. values are thumbnail, medium, large, full) * **Show Read More:** show_read_more="true" (Show read more button of post. Values are "true" or "false") * **Show Tags:** show_tags="true" (Show tags of post. Values are "true" or "false") * **Show Comments:** show_comments="true" (Show comments of post. Values are "true" or "false") * **Post Order:** order="DESC" (Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter. Defaults to 'DESC'. Values are "DESC" and "ASC") * **Post Order by :** orderby="post_date" (Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to 'date (post_date)'. One or more options can be passed. 'none', 'ID', 'author', 'title', 'name', 'rand', 'date') * **Pagination and arrows:** dots="false" arrows="false" (Display dot and arrows in the slider or carousel) * **Autoplay and Autoplay Interval:** autoplay="true" autoplay_interval="2000" (Set autoplay and autoplay interval for slider or carousel) * **Slide Speed:** speed="1000" (Set speed for slider or carousel) * **Loop:** loop="true" (Display slider in Loop OR not : You can use "true" OR "false") * **Slider/Carousel Media Height:** sliderheight="400" (Set media height for slider or carousel) **Others Parameters for Carousel Shortcode** [psac_post_carousel] * **Number of Posts Show at a Time:** [psac_post_carousel slide_show="3"] (Display 3 slide item at a time.) * **Number of Posts Scroll at a Time:** [psac_post_carousel slide_scroll="1"] (Scroll 1 slide item at a time.) Post Slider and Carousel is a good handy and free solution for everyone who is looking for a responsive post slider and carousel with the website. However, using Post Slider and Post Carousel plugin you can design your page as per your choice to give it a WOW factor. Also you can modify various settings very quickly with the help of plugin shortcode parameters. So, beginners can start blogging within 5 minutes, no coding skill required. **Included Features:** * 100% Responsive & columns structure. * Lightweight, fast & powerful. * Post Slider and Post Carousel Auto Play on/off. * Post Slider and Post Carousel Control Auto Play speed. * Show/hide Post Carousel post meta. * Show/hide post content and post meta. * Show/hide navigation arrow in the carousel. * Control carousel pagination speed. * Multiple slideshows (supports more than one carousel per page). * Control number of post columns in different devices. * Post order and order by. * Latest/Recent Vertical Scrolling * Easy to customize and stylize. * Compatible with any theme. * SEO friendly & optimized for speed. * Support all modern browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. * Free support. * And much more. = ✅ PRO Features Include : = > Premium Version > * 5 layouts with 30+ Designs. > * Style Manager Functionality. > * Image lazy load option. > * Works with any Custom Post Type. > * Works with any Custom Taxonomy. > * Works with any Custom Tags. > * Set custom link for post. > * Slider and Carousel layouts. > * Grid box Slider layout. > * Slider with Thumbnails. > * Partially Visible Slides. > * Featured Post Functionality. > * Trending Post Functionality. > * 2 Types of different widgets (Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling with 4 designs each). > * Multiple Post Type Functionality. > * Shortcode Generator with Live Preview Panel – No hassles for documentation. > * Set "Order" and "Orderby" sorting parameters via shortcode. > * Drag & Drop Post Order Change. > * WPBakery Page Builder support. > * Elementor Page Builder support. > * Slider RTL support. > * 100% Multi language. > * Many more other features also…. > > View [PRO DEMO and Features](https://premium.infornweb.com/post-slider-and-carousel-pro/) for additional information. > Logo credit : [Freepik](https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/abstract-colorful-letter-logos-p_1193006.htm) = What's Next = If you find Post Slider and Carousel with Widget – A Responsive Post Slider plugin useful, please leave a good rating and consider checking out our other plugins: * News & Blog Designer Pack Pro - A WordPress Blog & News Plugin * Logo Showcase with Slick Slider - Logo Carousel, Logo Slider & Logo Grid Plugin * Posts List Designer by Category - Display Posts by Category in a List View == Installation == 1. Upload the 'post-slider-and-carousel' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the Post Slider and Carousel plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Add and manage blog post items on your site by clicking on the 'Post' tab that appears in your admin menu. 4. Plugin add "Post Slider and Carousel" menu in the left hand side. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find complete shortcode parameters? = Each shortcode parameters can be found on this page at plugin "Details" tab. = Can I create post sliders or post carousel with the help of Post Slider and Carousel plugin? = Yes, plugin have Slider and Carousel layout shortcode available with two built-in designs. = Will Post Slider and Carousel plugin work with my theme? = Yes, Post Slider and Carousel will work with any WordPress themes, but may require some styling changes to make it compatible with your theme. If you are facing any compatibility issue with Post Slider and Carousel plugin then please let us know. == Screenshots == 1. Post Slider Designs. 2. Post Carousel Designs. == Changelog == = 3.2.4 (05 May, 2024) = * [*] Added 'Post Content Fix' functionality to get post content between the shortcode when post is built with page builders or shortcodes. * [*] Improved plugin text domain code. * [*] Bump minimum WordPress version to 4.7 * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2 * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.7.2 = 3.2.3 (17 March, 2024) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.5 * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.6.2 = 3.2.2 (15 Nov, 2023) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1 * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.6 = 3.2.1 (17 July, 2023) = * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.10 = 3.2 (21 May, 2023) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2 * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.8 = 3.1 (17 Nov, 2022) = * [+] Added Divi Theme support to display post short content if post is designed with DIVI page builder. * [*] Fixed Show date and show category remain selected in both widgets. * [*] Updated Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.2 * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.1 = 3.0 (05 Aug, 2022) = * [*] Updated Freemius SDK to latest version 2.4.5 * [*] Taken care of data sanitization & data escaping for better security. = 2.1.4 (21 July, 2022) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.0.1 * [*] Fixed some design related issue. = 2.1.3 (29 May, 2022) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 6.0 = 2.1.2 (26 Feb, 2022) = * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 5.9.1 * [*] Update Freemius SDK to latest version 2.4.3 = 2.1.1 (30 Jan, 2022) = * [*] Fixed WP Bakery page builder initialize issue. * [*] Check compatibility with WordPress 5.9 = 2.1 (22 Jan, 2022) = * [*] Fixed slide to scroll parameter is not working. = 2.0.9 (26 Dec, 2021) = * [*] Code optimization. * [*] Updated Freemius SDK to latest version. * [*] Tested up to WordPress 5.8.2 = 2.0.8 (05 Aug, 2021) = * [*] Fixed Post Slider and Post Carousel automatically starts on swipe when auto play is off. = 2.0.7 (17 July, 2021) = * [*] Tested up to WordPress 5.8 * [*] Fixed responsive issue for Carousel shortcode. = 2.0.6 (23 March, 2021) = * [*] Updated Freemius SDK to latest version. * [*] Tested up to WordPress 5.7 = 2.0.5 (14 Dec, 2020) = * [*] Updated Freemius SDK to latest version. * [*] Tested up to: 5.6 = 2.0.4 (15 Sep, 2020) = * [*] Fixed one JavaScript issue. = 2.0.3 (08 Sep, 2020) = * [+] Added category Slug support for shortcode parameter "category". Now you can use this parameter with category id as well as category slug. e.g. category="5" OR category="technology" where 5 is category id and technology is category slug. * [*] Tested up to: 5.5 * [*] Updated public JS file to avoid JS error conflict with any other 3rd party plugin/theme. = 2.0.2 (6 Aug, 2020) = * [+] Added Shortcode builder support. * [*] Fixed some design related CSS. * [*] Checked compatibility with WordPress 5.5 * [*] Updated getting started page for better understanding. = 2.0.1 (15 June, 2020) = * [+] Added Elementor shortcode widget support. * [+] Added Visual Composer page builder raw HTML and text block support. * [*] Updated getting started page for better understanding. * [*] Vertical Scrolling JS update for better output. * [-] Removed some unwanted CSS. = 2.0 (11 May, 2020) = * [+] Added Post Vertical Scrolling widget. * [+] Added Freemius SDK for freemium version. * [*] Fixed some minor issues. = 1.0.2 (04 Apr, 2020) = * [+] Added link to the featured image. * [+] Added 'Pause On Hover' functionality for better user experience. * [*] Fixed RTL issue. = 1.0.1 = * Fix some issues. = 1.0 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = * Initial release.