=== List Custom Taxonomy Widget === Contributors: celloexpressions Tags: custom taxonomy, custom tax, widget, sidebar, category, categories, taxonomy, custom category, custom categories, post types, custom post types, custom post type categories Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 4.2 Description: Widget that list terms in a custom taxonomy (often used as categories or category types for a custom post type). License: GPLv2 == Description == The List Custom Taxonomy Widget is a quick and easy way to display custom taxonomies. Simply choose the taxonomy name you want to display from an auto-populated list. You can also set a title to display for the widget. Multiple list custom taxonomy widgets can be added to the same and other sidebars as well. There are several display options (including as a dropdown), and it generally behaves similarly to the built-in categories widget but with the addition of custom taxonomies. == Installation == 1. Take the easy route and install through the wordpress plugin installer OR 1. Download the .zip file and upload the unzipped folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Add the widget to your sidebar(s) in the Customizer to live-preview the options before publishing. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I Show Custom Taxonomies in a [Page/Header/non-widget-area] = I'll save you the hassle of downloading the plugin and digging through its source code. Just use the `wp_list_categories()` function in your theme (or plugin) to display custom taxonomies as a list, and use `wp_dropdown_categories` for a dropdown (this one does require some supplementary html). This plugin is essentially a widget UI shell for these functions. If you want to use the plugin's code for it, go right ahead, but it really does just widgetize those functions. = Where's the settings page? = There is no (need for a) settings page. Simply go to Appearance -> Customize -> Widgets, select the widget area where you want to add the widget, and add the List Custom Taxonomy widget. = Can I Do ___? = If you'd like to do something outside of the configuration options of this plugin, look at the WordPress Codex documentation on the function this plugin implements, wp_list categories. If this function can do it, the plugin can do it with minor edits, just look in list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php in the plugin editor. == Changelog == = 4.2 = * Fix default extended options display. * Add additional escaping and sanitization. = 4.1 = * Add support for selective refresh in the customizer, available in WordPress 4.5. = 4.0 = * Add option to show empty terms. * Fix PHP strict standards warnings, present since WordPress 3.7. * Fix broken navigation when displaying as a dropdown, and explicitly prevent built-in taxonomies from being displayed as dropdowns (they don't work). * Fix compatibility with deprecated widget constructors in WordPress 4.3. * Fix persistently-open options actually being accessible after initial configuration. = 3.3 = * Fixed bug where dropdown input 404d unless it was the built-in category taxonomy; dropdown option should work properly now * Plugin is WordPress 3.6 compatible = 3.2.1 = * Added classes/ids and containers to widgets to alow easier selecting with CSS and JavaScript = 3.2 = * Added ability to display categories with dropdown (and go button) instead of as a list (the default), find it at the bottom of the "more options" section' * Improved documentation = 3.1.1 = * For some reason, I have no idea why, the line that executed the "exclude" capability was commented out. Update fixes the bug. = 3.1 = * Fixed major bug where "categories" was displayed first, with everything else as a child, for many users * Updated readme = 3.0 = * Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 3.5 * Added many new features. Click the more options button to view all of the available configuration options. Features include: * Order by count, id, slug, name, or term group; ascending or descending * Exclude categories by id * Only show children of a particular category (useful for nested/hierarchical category systems) * Detailed configuration options are hidden by default = 2.0 = * Available Taxonomies are now listed in a automatically, so it isn't necessary to go searching for the taxonomy's name * Ability to show count (or hide it) * Ability to specify to display hierarchically (like in builtin categories widget) * Confirmed Wordpress 3.4.2 compatibility = 1.0 = * First publicly available version of the plugin. * Compatible with Wordpress 3.3.0 through 3.4.1 == Upgrade Notice == = 4.1 = * Add support for selective refresh in the customizer, available in WordPress 4.5.