This brief analyses the economic situation of elderly persons and children in Tanzania. Significantly, the analysis
Preventing Malnutrition in Tanzania: A Focused Strategy to Improve Nutrition in Young Children
This brief examines the status of nutrition in Tanzania. Despite improvements between 1999 and 2004/05, data clearly
Influencing Policy for Children in Tanzania
Lessons from Education, Legislation and Social Protection This paper together with the accompanying brief which goes
Institutional Analysis of Nutrition in Tanzania
This special paper provides a summary of the situation of nutrition in Tanzania, and an institutional analysis of the
Influencing Policy for Children in Tanzania
Lessons from Education, Legislation and Social Protection This brief summarises three case studies of recent
Children and Vulnerability in Tanzania: A Brief Overview
This brief highlights the key issues of children and vulnerability 3 in Mainland Tanzania. It provides an overview of
Children and Vulnerability in Tanzania: A Brief Synthesis
Ensuring social protection for vulnerable people is a goal of MKUKUTA (the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of