Our research programme seeks to inform and promote development policy agenda for further and accelerated socio-economic transformation and inclusive development that encompass wealth creation and income growth, private sector expansion, job creation, and equity in access to key social services such as health, education, water, energy, and universal social security. This approach, we believe, will take REPOA to the next level of influence.
To achieve our goals, our 2020-24 Strategic Plan recognizes various factors affecting the contribution of Think Tanks globally, including funding, emergence of alternative facts and fake news, shrinking space in the influence of non-state actors, and the non-linear nature of research-policy nexus. Thus, the key strategic goals and related expected outcomes are designed to enhance our contribution and influence on policies and strategies within these constraints. These goals aim to deepen our identity and strengthen quality of our research, to strengthen our role in bridging the gap in policy research capacity, to enhance strategic collaboration with our partners, and to promote demand for evidence-based policy making.
Our activities mainly relate to selecting policy-relevant themes, conducting research and disseminating (translating) the outcomes with the aim of influencing policy that positively impacts socioeconomic transformation for inclusive development. We achieve these objectives through the following:
- Conduct and disseminate research-based evidence to inform national policies and strategies.
We undertake in-depth research focused on specific aspects of the socio-economic environment and conduct comparative sectoral, transnational and regional data analyses to ensure that policymakers have evidence that is needed to formulate and evaluate effective socio-economic policies. This also includes seeking to identify opportunities for improving the quality and reach of various interventions for socio-economic transformation and poverty reduction. - Build capacity for researchers and research users.
To enhance our impact, we help strengthen the capacity and skills of researchers and other knowledge intermediaries in conducting systematic reviews and synthesis of evidence, policy analyses, and report writing through training workshops, seminars and internships. Likewise, and through our various workshops and training programmes, we will work with policy makers, civil society organizations and other end- users of research understand the value of research evidence, as well as on methods to access, evaluate, interpret, and use it effectively. - Contribute valuable input to and enhance strategic engagement of development partners, international agencies, and non-state actors.
We draw on the analyses we carry out and our experiences working with policy makers on the ground in Tanzania to inform strategies and interventions of development partners’, international development agencies, and non-state actors, including the private sector and CSOs. REPOA is a regular participant to high-level development dialogue, and meetings with key development partners to ensure that their priority areas have local perspectives. This includes participating in various experts’ panels and organizing our own forums and conferences around our focus themes to stimulate evidence-based discourses on policy and strategies for addressing Tanzania’s development challenges.
In undertaking research, the following strands of research and analytical studies are conducted:
- Strategic research studies – these are conceptualised and designed internally by REPOA researchers and Senior Visiting Research Fellows.
- Collaborative research studies – REPOA researchers develop and undertake these in collaboration with other researchers from other institutions globally.
For detailed information on ongoing research projects and programmes, click here. For the capacity building of researchers, REPOA designs specific training courses for beginners and intermediate researchers depending on the identification of needs in relation to the research to be undertaken. Lastly, REPOA organizes knowledge sharing and dissemination events and participates in events organized by other stakeholders with a view to promoting dialogue on key development issues and wider access and utilization of the knowledge generated.
*For further REPOA’s research outputs scroll down on our “Publications” menu at the home page.