Tender for purchase of a used Vehicle (Re-advertised)
/By Repoa/ Tender for purchase of a used Vehicle (Re-advertised)
Reg. No
T 263 BEE
Patrol TD42
Station wagon
V. Good
The following terms will apply:
The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Tender for the purchase of motor vehicle’ a nonrefundable fee of Tshs.50,000/= (Fifty Thousand Tanzanian Shillings) should be paid to REPOA accountant. The offer must be received at the REPOA Offices not later than 7th December 2018 at 1:00 pm.
The motor vehicle can be viewed at the REPOA Office premises from 30th November 2018 to 6th December 2018 during working hours from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The opening of tenders will be done on 10th December 2018 at REPOA Office at 10:00 am
Offers not addressed as described above, including those without the non-refundable fee will not be considered.
All payments must be made in Tanzanian Shillings. Successful bidders will be required to pay 25% of the bid price immediately on receipt of a letter of offer and the remaining balance 75% of the bid amount must be paid within 7 days after the first payment. Failure to pay the balance within the specified period will mean the 25% deposited be forfeited, and the vehicle will subsequently be offered to the next best winner or re-tendered.
Prospective bidders should take note that all taxes for the above vehicle are fully paid and the minimum tender price is Tsh 40 million. The buyer will be required to process the transfer before collecting the vehicle.
REPOA is not obliged to accept the highest or any other bid and hence reserves the right to reject any/or all bids. Bidders will be allowed to attend the opening of the bids.]]>