This report, among others, provides a review beyond the conventional health sector public expenditure reviews
Business Climate Survey of Nordic Companies in Tanzania, 2022-23
The Business Climate Survey for Nordic Companies in Tanzania is a joint initiative by the Embassies of Denmark, Finland,
Mapping export status changes and firm productivity: Evidence from EAC countries
This study tests whether firms in the EAC that supply in the foreign markets are in line with the learning by exporting
Export promotion and farmers’ welfare impact: Evidence from common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) farming in Arusha, Tanzania
The results of this study suggest that common beans’ farmers in Tanzania are aware of significant role of exporting
Export performance of the horticultural sub-sector in Tanzania
Horticultural sub-sector in Tanzania has been characterized by sustained growth over the years. But there has been slow
Competitiveness of Tanzania’s exports: A constant market share analysis
Tanzania export sector has been growing over the years. The market share of Tanzania increased by 0.29% to 0.08% in EAC
Trade complementarities between Europe and Tanzania
This research aimed at studying the movements in comparative advantage of Tanzanian exports and identifying
Analysis of the livelihood aspects of the seaweed value chain in Zanzibar
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union, through the EU-ACP TradeCom II
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Openness on the Firms Export Competitiveness and Products Diversification among East African Community Members
This study examines the effect of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and trade openness on a firm’s export competitiveness
Towards Socially Just Urbanization in Tanzania: Public Service Delivery
To better understand whether all urban dwellers can access public services equally, this policy brief examines the
Towards a Socially Just Urbanization in Tanzania: Political Participation and Social Cohesion
Tanzania’s rate of urbanization is estimated to be about 5%, and the urban population will grow to 35.5 million in 2030,
The Transformation of Cities in Tanzania: An overview
In a drive to better understand urbanization processes in Sub-Saharan Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) supported
The overall objective of this research project is to identify institutional bottlenecks that limit competitiveness and
The Global Competitiveness Report: Special Edition 2020
How Countries are Performing on the Road to Recovery The deep economic recession triggered by COVID-19 continues to
Skills Landscape and Sustainability of Youth-led Business Establishments
Youth unemployment has become the biggest development challenge in Tanzania. Young people have few opportunities to
Are youth moving towards or away from Agriculture?
Analysis of farm and non-farm occupational choices among youth in rural Tanzania The agricultural sector in rural