The adoption of e-participation adoption is found to be conditioned by the Information and Communication Technology
Democratisation in Tanzania: Re-examining citizens’ preferences for political party systems after 1992
The findings suggest an evolution of popular views on multipartism over time in contrast to reservations expressed to
Motorcycle taxi riding and crimes in the urban settings of Dar es Salaam and Pwani Regions – Tanzania
The study reveals differences in crimes between regions. Findings further reveal that, while different initiatives are
Technology Shocks and Performance of Commercial Banks in Tanzania
The findings proved the need for banks to formulate relevant policies and strategies for their technology adoption
Adaptive Water Governance and Climate Change Resilience among Rural Communities in Kilosa District, Tanzania
Results in this study indicate that climate change is not a new phenomenon in the study area. Rural communities have
Closing the Gender Performance Gap at Enterprise Level: Empirical Evidence from Tanzania
The findings of this study suggest that performance of women’s enterprises in Tanzania is determined by revenue, access
Vulnerability in the Context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a Case study of Motorcycle-Taxi Drivers in Dar es Salaam
The Tanzanian Government can use the study results to better understand the vulnerability issues related to motorcycle
Factors Influencing Smallholder Tomato Growers’ Access to and Uptake of Climate Change Information in Iringa and Morogoro Regions
This study assesses the factors influencing access to and uptake of climate change information for building adaptive
Examination of the Sociocultural Barriers Facing Women Miners in Morogoro and Manyara
The findings of the study indicated that the patriarchal ideology, negative social attitudes and gender-based and sexual
Post-Harvest Losses in Marketed fruits and vegetables: Evidence from selected markets in Dar es Salaam
This study attempts to bridge the existing knowledge gap by focusing on post-harvest losses (PHL) in marketed fruits and
Farmers’ Integrated Agricultural Marketing in Tanzania: Can’t the Digital Warehouse Receipt System Work?
Although the manual systems and processes are embraced to the point that the impression is created that digital
Motorcycle Transport Business and Its Influence in Promoting Youth Employment in Tanzania: A Case of Morogoro Municipality
In the last decade, motorcycle transport has provided a new take off in the transportation industry, particularly in
Locally-led adaptation: moving from principles to practice in the water sector
This Report focuses on locally-led adaptation in the water sector, examining progress and lessons learnt from water
Workshop Report: 27th Annual Research Workshop – 2023 “Galvanizing Inclusive and Sustainable Growth through Structural Transformation”
REPOA’s Annual Research Workshop continues to be the longest running and largest research workshop held in Tanzania by a
Domestic Revenue Mobilisation for Sustainable Development and the Contribution of IDA-20: The Assessment of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda
This Policy Paper has analysed the trends and features of domestic resource mobilisation in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and
Domestic Revenue Mobilisation for Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Contribution of IDA-20
This Policy Paper has analysed trends and features of domestic resource mobilisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper